Saturday, September 15, 2007

What's in a name?

So before I put my books up on Etsy I really wanted to think of a name that would represent me and something I like. I did a lot of research, looked at a lot of pictures, and looked what other people named there stores on Etsy. I knew I really wanted my store name to have something to do with candy, but I couldn't think of how candy related to books. Then I thought of candy wrappers and candy buttons. I used buttons on my books and candy wrappers were paper so that made sense. So I was finally on the right track. Then I had an idea, I could make books out of candy wrappers! And that was it, I had my name. Since then it has been nothing but fun making the logos and sticker labels for my books. This weekend I'm making a juicy fruit book and reese peanut butter cup book.

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